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Biofilm Krankheitsbilder 4

morgellons hautsymptome nacken

Many sufferers have these types of wounds with white, lofty depigmentation surfaces.

These are caused by the biofilm bacteria by absorbing melanin or by

direct damage of the melanocytes. Damaged, degenerate melanocytes are also

related to the development of skin cancer

Within these white and sore surfaces, opportunistic

Bacteria and fungi may cause super-infections

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Depigmentation patterns with doughy swelling, granulomas,

inflammatory knots/hardenings as in a systemic scleroderma

Most often, pustules and crater-like skin areas are

at the neck and spread all over the body

Open and wet wounds that can heal poorly and leave large scars

morgellons hautsymptome italien

Such wounds are caused by the bacterial enzymes (kerratinase, protease, liptase)

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